Getting the perfect night's sleep means making sure you create the perfect bedroom environment. Quality organic bedding can mean the difference between a night of light sleep, with tossing and turning, and a blissful slumber that leaves you feeling content and refreshed.
Remove All Sources of Discomfort With Organic Bedding
One reason for a poor night's sleep can be rough materials, and fabrics that do not feel pleasant against the skin. High quality organic cotton with a high thread count, woven to perfection, really can make all the difference. Our luxury organic cotton bedding is made from long staple 300 thread count cotton – with percale and sateen weaves. The quality obvious to the touch. Organic bedding is soft, and hypoallergenic – perfect for everyone – even those with the most sensitive of skin.
You might not realise what affect the skin-feel of a bedding fabric has on you through the night. But any discordant stimuli can be disruptive to a good night's sleep. Along with making sure that the room is dark, and quiet, avoiding any other sources of discomfort or minor disruption is key to getting the perfect night's sleep.
Choose High Quality Organic Bedding To Keep Temperatures Optimal for Good Sleep
Another very important factor in sleeping well is temperature. The thermal environment is a key determinant of sleep. Making sure that the temperate is right can help make sure we have high-quality rest. And high quality organic bedding is an important part of that picture.
Unlike synthetic bedding, organic cotton bedding is breathable, and helps to regulate the thermal environment. The right organic bedding can keep you cool in summer, and warm enough in winter. When you select breathable, natural fabrics, these delay external temperature changes and therefore give your body time to adjust to conditions as they alter through the night. This can prevent any checks to the sleep cycle and help make sure you feel rested by the time that morning comes.

Make Your Bedroom a Place You Want to Be
Getting more, better quality sleep takes a holistic approach. And it is important to get into a routine. When you get into a routine when it comes to when you get up and when you go to bed, it can be easier to sleep well, and can improve the quality of your sleep over time.
It will be easier to get into a routine and get to bed on time if your bedroom is actually a place you want to be – not somewhere with negative associations. Buying organic bedding can be one important step in turning your bedroom into a more appealing, beautiful and relaxing space.
Make Your Bedroom a Natural Retreat
It is important throughout your home, but especially, perhaps, in the room where you sleep, to keep things natural. Natural, organic materials – organic bedding, and also natural rugs, curtains and other furnishings, a natural cleaning routine, houseplants to clean the air – all these things can turn your bedroom into a natural retreat – a healthy and toxin-free space where you can really get away from it all, and get the perfect night's sleep.
Many of the toxins present in our environments are threats to our health. A natural, fresh, clean and green bedroom can help you relax, without worries about what you might be exposed to as you sleep.
Relax, Knowing You've Done the Right Thing For People and Planet
Environmental factors are not the only factors involved in poor sleep or insomnia. Stress and worry can also be major factors to contend with. It is easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed in our modern world. But all those stresses and worries should be left behind at the bedroom door. Your bedroom should be a relaxing, calming, soothing space, with nothing to remind you of external stresses in the wider world.
Feeling stressed and guilty about the environment, our climate crisis and social injustices can give many people sleepless nights. But when you choose organic bedding, you can rest easier, and feel good about the fact that at least in this one, small way you have done the right thing for people and planet.
Dr. Chris Murphy, co-founder Sleep Organic