Refund policy

You can cancel a purchase and receive a full refund (less any delivery charges, if applicable) by emailing us at within 14 days of receipt of your goods. You can also exchange any Sleep Organic product by emailing us within 14 days of receipt of your goods. We aim to issue refunds within 14 days of receiving the returned items.

Please note that items must be returned complete with any original packaging. Items must be in a saleable condition i.e. unused, unwashed, and packaged neatly - we are unable to accept items which are returned in a crumpled state. Please also enclose a note, giving a reason why your item is being returned.

For returns from outside the UK please state on any description or customs declaration that they are returns. This is important to avoid customs duty; we are unable to accept delivery of returns where this has not been stated if duty is then payable by us.

Please email us to confirm the refund before sending back your goods. You are responsible for the cost of returning items to us (please retain proof of postage).